163 lines
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163 lines
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abstract class FeedItem_Common extends FeedItem {
protected $elem;
protected $xpath;
protected $doc;
function __construct($elem, $doc, $xpath) {
$this->elem = $elem;
$this->xpath = $xpath;
$this->doc = $doc;
try {
$source = $elem->getElementsByTagName("source")->item(0);
// we don't need <source> element
if ($source)
} catch (DOMException $e) {
function get_element() {
return $this->elem;
function get_author() {
$author = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("author")->item(0);
if ($author) {
$name = $author->getElementsByTagName("name")->item(0);
if ($name) return clean($name->nodeValue);
$email = $author->getElementsByTagName("email")->item(0);
if ($email) return clean($email->nodeValue);
if ($author->nodeValue)
return clean($author->nodeValue);
$author = $this->xpath->query("dc:creator", $this->elem)->item(0);
if ($author) {
return clean($author->nodeValue);
function get_comments_url() {
//RSS only. Use a query here to avoid namespace clashes (e.g. with slash).
//might give a wrong result if a default namespace was declared (possible with XPath 2.0)
$com_url = $this->xpath->query("comments", $this->elem)->item(0);
if ($com_url)
return clean($com_url->nodeValue);
//Atom Threading Extension (RFC 4685) stuff. Could be used in RSS feeds, so it's in common.
//'text/html' for type is too restrictive?
$com_url = $this->xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='replies' and contains(@type,'text/html')]/@href", $this->elem)->item(0);
if ($com_url)
return clean($com_url->nodeValue);
function get_comments_count() {
//also query for ATE stuff here
$query = "slash:comments|thread:total|atom:link[@rel='replies']/@thread:count";
$comments = $this->xpath->query($query, $this->elem)->item(0);
if ($comments) {
return clean($comments->nodeValue);
// this is common for both Atom and RSS types and deals with various media: elements
function get_enclosures() {
$encs = [];
$enclosures = $this->xpath->query("media:content", $this->elem);
foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
$enc = new FeedEnclosure();
$enc->type = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("type"));
$enc->link = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("url"));
$enc->length = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("length"));
$enc->height = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("height"));
$enc->width = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("width"));
$medium = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("medium"));
if (!$enc->type && $medium) {
$enc->type = strtolower("$medium/generic");
$desc = $this->xpath->query("media:description", $enclosure)->item(0);
if ($desc) $enc->title = clean($desc->nodeValue);
array_push($encs, $enc);
$enclosures = $this->xpath->query("media:group", $this->elem);
foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
$enc = new FeedEnclosure();
$content = $this->xpath->query("media:content", $enclosure)->item(0);
if ($content) {
$enc->type = clean($content->getAttribute("type"));
$enc->link = clean($content->getAttribute("url"));
$enc->length = clean($content->getAttribute("length"));
$enc->height = clean($content->getAttribute("height"));
$enc->width = clean($content->getAttribute("width"));
$medium = clean($content->getAttribute("medium"));
if (!$enc->type && $medium) {
$enc->type = strtolower("$medium/generic");
$desc = $this->xpath->query("media:description", $content)->item(0);
if ($desc) {
$enc->title = clean($desc->nodeValue);
} else {
$desc = $this->xpath->query("media:description", $enclosure)->item(0);
if ($desc) $enc->title = clean($desc->nodeValue);
array_push($encs, $enc);
$enclosures = $this->xpath->query("media:thumbnail", $this->elem);
foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
$enc = new FeedEnclosure();
$enc->type = "image/generic";
$enc->link = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("url"));
$enc->height = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("height"));
$enc->width = clean($enclosure->getAttribute("width"));
array_push($encs, $enc);
return $encs;
function count_children($node) {
return $node->getElementsByTagName("*")->length;
function subtree_or_text($node) {
if ($this->count_children($node) == 0) {
return $node->nodeValue;
} else {
return $node->c14n();