host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); } function hook_prefs_tab($args) { if ($args == "prefFeeds") { print "
bookmark ".__('Bookmarklets')."\">"; print "

" . __("Drag the link below to your browser toolbar, open the feed you're interested in in your browser and click on the link to subscribe to it.") . "

"; $bm_subscribe_url = str_replace('%s', '', Pref_Feeds::subscribe_to_feed_url()); $confirm_str = str_replace("'", "\'", __('Subscribe to %s in Agriget?')); $bm_url = htmlspecialchars("javascript:{if(confirm('$confirm_str'.replace('%s',window.location.href)))window.location.href='$bm_subscribe_url'+window.location.href}"); print "

"; print "

" . __("Use this bookmarklet to publish arbitrary pages using Agriget") . "

"; print ""; print ""; print "
"; #pane } } function api_version() { return 2; } }