Replace round with %.0f
This commit is contained in:
@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ def WriteCommentBilibiliPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
from_y = comment_args.get(1, 0)
to_x = comment_args.get(7, from_x)
to_y = comment_args.get(8, from_y)
from_x = round(GetPosition(from_x, False))
from_y = round(GetPosition(from_y, True))
to_x = round(GetPosition(to_x, False))
to_y = round(GetPosition(to_y, True))
from_x = GetPosition(from_x, False)
from_y = GetPosition(from_y, True)
to_x = GetPosition(to_x, False)
to_y = GetPosition(to_y, True)
alpha = safe_list(str(comment_args.get(2, '1')).split('-'))
from_alpha = float(alpha.get(0, 1))
to_alpha = float(alpha.get(1, from_alpha))
@ -286,19 +286,19 @@ def WriteCommentBilibiliPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
isborder = comment_args.get(11, 'true')
from_rotarg = ConvertFlashRotation(rotate_y, rotate_z, from_x, from_y, width, height)
to_rotarg = ConvertFlashRotation(rotate_y, rotate_z, to_x, to_y, width, height)
styles = ['\\org(%s, %s)' % (width//2, height//2)]
styles = ['\\org(%d, %d)' % (width/2, height/2)]
if from_rotarg[0:2] == to_rotarg[0:2]:
styles.append('\\pos(%s, %s)' % (from_rotarg[0:2]))
styles.append('\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (from_rotarg[0:2]))
styles.append('\\move(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (from_rotarg[0:2]+to_rotarg[0:2]+(delay, delay+duration)))
styles.append('\\frx%s\\fry%s\\frz%s\\fscx%s\\fscy%s' % (from_rotarg[2:7]))
styles.append('\\move(%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)' % (from_rotarg[0:2]+to_rotarg[0:2]+(delay, delay+duration)))
styles.append('\\frx%.0f\\fry%.0f\\frz%.0f\\fscx%.0f\\fscy%.0f' % (from_rotarg[2:7]))
if (from_x, from_y) != (to_x, to_y):
styles.append('\\t(%s, %s, ' % (delay, delay+duration))
styles.append('\\frx%s\\fry%s\\frz%s\\fscx%s\\fscy%s' % (to_rotarg[2:7]))
styles.append('\\t(%d, %d, ' % (delay, delay+duration))
styles.append('\\frx%.0f\\fry%.0f\\frz%.0f\\fscx%.0f\\fscy%.0f' % (to_rotarg[2:7]))
if fontface:
styles.append('\\fn%s' % ASSEscape(fontface))
styles.append('\\fs%s' % round(c[6]*ZoomFactor[0]))
styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % (c[6]*ZoomFactor[0]))
if c[5] != 0xffffff:
styles.append('\\c&H%02X%02X%02X&' % (c[5] & 0xff, (c[5] >> 8) & 0xff, (c[5] >> 16) & 0xff))
if c[5] == 0x000000:
@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ def WriteCommentBilibiliPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
if from_alpha == to_alpha:
styles.append('\\alpha&H%02X' % from_alpha)
elif (from_alpha, to_alpha) == (255, 0):
styles.append('\\fad(%s,0)' % (lifetime*1000))
styles.append('\\fad(%.0f,0)' % (lifetime*1000))
elif (from_alpha, to_alpha) == (0, 255):
styles.append('\\fad(0, %s)' % (lifetime*1000))
styles.append('\\fad(0, %.0f)' % (lifetime*1000))
styles.append('\\fade(%(from_alpha)s, %(to_alpha)s, %(to_alpha)s, 0, %(end_time)s, %(end_time)s, %(end_time)s)' % {'from_alpha': from_alpha, 'to_alpha': to_alpha, 'end_time': lifetime*1000})
styles.append('\\fade(%(from_alpha)d, %(to_alpha)d, %(to_alpha)d, 0, %(end_time).0f, %(end_time).0f, %(end_time).0f)' % {'from_alpha': from_alpha, 'to_alpha': to_alpha, 'end_time': lifetime*1000})
if isborder == 'false':
f.write('Dialogue: -1,%(start)s,%(end)s,%(styleid)s,,0,0,0,,{%(styles)s}%(text)s\n' % {'start': ConvertTimestamp(c[0]), 'end': ConvertTimestamp(c[0]+lifetime), 'styles': ''.join(styles), 'text': text, 'styleid': styleid})
@ -341,12 +341,12 @@ def WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
scale_x = 1
if scale_y is None:
scale_y = 1
styles.append('\\frx%s\\fry%s\\frz%s\\fscx%s\\fscy%s' % (rotarg[2:5]+(round(rotarg[5]*scale_x), round(rotarg[6]*scale_y))))
styles.append('\\frx%.0f\\fry%.0f\\frz%.0f\\fscx%.0f\\fscy%.0f' % (rotarg[2:5]+(rotarg[5]*scale_x, rotarg[6]*scale_y)))
if scale_x is not None:
styles.append('\\fscx%s' % round(scale_x*100))
styles.append('\\fscx%.0f' % (scale_x*100))
if scale_y is not None:
styles.append('\\fscy%s' % round(scale_y*100))
styles.append('\\fscy%.0f' % (scale_y*100))
if color is not None:
styles.append('\\c&H%02X%02X%02X&' % (color & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, (color >> 16) & 0xff))
if color == 0x000000:
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ def WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
comment_args = c[3]
text = ASSEscape(str(comment_args['n']).replace('\r', '\n'))
common_styles = ['\org(%s, %s)' % (width//2, height//2)]
common_styles = ['\org(%d, %d)' % (width/2, height/2)]
anchor = {0: 7, 1: 8, 2: 9, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6, 6: 1, 7: 2, 8: 3}.get(comment_args.get('c', 0), 7)
if anchor != 7:
common_styles.append('\\an%s' % anchor)
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ def WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
fontbold = bool(font.get('b'))
if fontbold:
common_styles.append('\\fs%s' % round(c[6]*ZoomFactor[0]))
common_styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % (c[6]*ZoomFactor[0]))
isborder = bool(comment_args.get('b', True))
if not isborder:
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ def WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
action_time = float(comment_args.get('l', 3.0))
actions = list(comment_args.get('z', []))
to_out_x, to_out_y, transform_styles = GetTransformStyles(to_x, to_y, to_scale_x, to_scale_y, to_rotate_z, to_rotate_y, to_color, to_alpha)
FlushCommentLine(f, text, common_styles+['\\pos(%s, %s)' % (to_out_x, to_out_y)]+transform_styles, c[0]+from_time, c[0]+from_time+action_time, styleid)
FlushCommentLine(f, text, common_styles+['\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (to_out_x, to_out_y)]+transform_styles, c[0]+from_time, c[0]+from_time+action_time, styleid)
action_styles = transform_styles
for action in actions:
action = dict(action)
@ -423,9 +423,9 @@ def WriteCommentAcfunPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
to_rotate_y = float(action['e'])
to_out_x, to_out_y, action_styles = GetTransformStyles(to_x, to_y, from_scale_x, from_scale_y, to_rotate_z, to_rotate_y, from_color, from_alpha)
if (from_out_x, from_out_y) == (to_out_x, to_out_y):
pos_style = '\\pos(%s, %s)' % (to_out_x, to_out_y)
pos_style = '\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (to_out_x, to_out_y)
pos_style = '\\move(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (from_out_x, from_out_y, to_out_x, to_out_y)
pos_style = '\\move(%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)' % (from_out_x, from_out_y, to_out_x, to_out_y)
styles = common_styles+transform_styles
if action_styles:
@ -440,12 +440,12 @@ def WriteCommentSH5VPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
def GetTransformStyles(x=None, y=None, fsize=None, rotate_z=None, rotate_y=None, color=None, alpha=None):
styles = []
if x is not None and y is not None:
styles.append('\\pos(%s, %s)' % (x, y))
styles.append('\\pos(%.0f, %.0f)' % (x, y))
if fsize is not None:
styles.append('\\fs%s' % fsize)
styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % fsize)
if rotate_y is not None and rotate_z is not None:
styles.append('\\frz%s' % round(rotate_z))
styles.append('\\fry%s' % round(rotate_y))
styles.append('\\frz%.0f' % rotate_z)
styles.append('\\fry%.0f' % rotate_y)
if color is not None:
styles.append('\\c&H%02X%02X%02X&' % (color & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, (color >> 16) & 0xff))
if color == 0x000000:
@ -461,14 +461,14 @@ def WriteCommentSH5VPositioned(f, c, width, height, styleid):
text = ASSEscape(str(c[3]))
to_x = round(float(c[9])*width)
to_y = round(float(c[10])*height)
to_x = float(c[9])*width
to_y = float(c[10])*height
to_rotate_z = -int(c[14])
to_rotate_y = -int(c[15])
to_color = c[5]
to_alpha = float(c[12])
#Note: Alpha transition hasn't been worked out yet.
to_size = round(int(c[6])*math.sqrt(width*height/307200))
to_size = int(c[6])*math.sqrt(width*height/307200)
#Note: Because sH5V's data is the absolute size of font,temporarily solve by it at present.[*math.sqrt(width/640*height/480)]
#But it seems to be working fine...
from_time = float(c[0])
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ def ConvertFlashRotation(rotY, rotZ, X, Y, width, height):
logging.error('Rotation makes object behind the camera: trZ == %.0f < %.0f' % (trZ, FOV));
trX = (trX-width/2)*scaleXY+width/2
trY = (trY-height/2)*scaleXY+height/2
return (round(trX), round(trY), WrapAngle(round(outX)), WrapAngle(round(outY)), WrapAngle(round(outZ)), round(scaleXY*100), round(scaleXY*100))
return (trX, trY, WrapAngle(outX), WrapAngle(outY), WrapAngle(outZ), scaleXY*100, scaleXY*100)
def ProcessComments(comments, f, width, height, bottomReserved, fontface, fontsize, alpha, lifetime, reduced, progress_callback):
@ -656,15 +656,15 @@ def WriteComment(f, c, row, width, height, bottomReserved, fontsize, lifetime, s
text = ASSEscape(c[3])
styles = []
if c[4] == 1:
styles.append('\\an8\\pos(%(halfwidth)s, %(row)s)' % {'halfwidth': round(width/2), 'row': row})
styles.append('\\an8\\pos(%(halfwidth)d, %(row)d)' % {'halfwidth': width/2, 'row': row})
elif c[4] == 2:
styles.append('\\an2\\pos(%(halfwidth)s, %(row)s)' % {'halfwidth': round(width/2), 'row': ConvertType2(row, height, bottomReserved)})
styles.append('\\an2\\pos(%(halfwidth)d, %(row)d)' % {'halfwidth': width/2, 'row': ConvertType2(row, height, bottomReserved)})
elif c[4] == 3:
styles.append('\\move(%(neglen)s, %(row)s, %(width)s, %(row)s)' % {'width': width, 'row': row, 'neglen': -math.ceil(c[8])})
styles.append('\\move(%(neglen)d, %(row)d, %(width)d, %(row)d)' % {'width': width, 'row': row, 'neglen': -math.ceil(c[8])})
styles.append('\\move(%(width)s, %(row)s, %(neglen)s, %(row)s)' % {'width': width, 'row': row, 'neglen': -math.ceil(c[8])})
styles.append('\\move(%(width)d, %(row)d, %(neglen)d, %(row)d)' % {'width': width, 'row': row, 'neglen': -math.ceil(c[8])})
if not (-1 < c[6]-fontsize < 1):
styles.append('\\fs%s' % round(c[6]))
styles.append('\\fs%.0f' % c[6])
if c[5] != 0xffffff:
styles.append('\\c&H%02X%02X%02X&' % (c[5] & 0xff, (c[5] >> 8) & 0xff, (c[5] >> 16) & 0xff))
if c[5] == 0x000000:
Reference in New Issue
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